The Ingredients
  • 4 Baby Octopuses Blue Tide By Lagoon Seafood
  • 1/2 Iceberg salad
  • 1 zucchini
  • 8 cocktail tomatoes in various colors
  • 3 mini cucumbers
  • 1 new onion
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • some alfalfa shoots
  • 50g flour
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • the juice of a lemon
  • 2 teaspoons of old-fashioned Dijon mustard (with the small mustard beans in it)
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 2 tablespoons of cold water
  • a few branches of chopped curly parsley
  • 1 large skillet
  • 1 cutting board
  • 1 slicing knife
  • 1 small bowl
  • a few sheets of paper towel

Steps to follow

  • STEP 01

    Thaw the octopuses in a bath of warm water for 1 hour.

  • STEP 02

    Mix all the ingredients "for the dressing" in the bowl. Reserve.

  • STEP 03

    Mix all the ingredients "for the dressing" in the bowl. Reserve.

  • STEP 04

    Cut the salad into small pieces. Cut the mini-cucumbers into thin slices, the tomatoes in quarters, the zucchini into small cubes, keeping the skin each time. Book separately.

  • STEP 05

    Slice the new onion into thin slices. Chop the garlic. Reserve.

  • STEP 06

    Prepare the plates starting by putting the salad. Add the cucumber rings, small zucchini cubes, tomato wedges, onion rings and alfalfa shoots.

  • STEP 07

    Cut the octopuses into small pieces of about 5mm in size. Squeeze them between two sheets of absorbent paper and roll them into the flour.

  • STEP 08

    Heat the oil in the pan. When the oil is hot, place the pieces of octopuses in it and sauté them. Add the chopped garlic. Cook for 2 minutes.

  • STEP 09

    Place the octopuses on the salad.

  • STEP 010

    Drizzle with dressing.

  • STEP 011

    Taste immediately.

The fork of Lagoon Seafood
For a more enjoyable tasting,
use peeled shrimp
Scallops In Honey Sauce

A simple, light and healthy recipe that glorifies the natural taste of the scallops with an amazing hazelnut flavor!

  • Preparation Time :15min
  • Cooking Time :30min
Pétoncles Sauce Miel

Une recette simple, légère et saine qui magnifie le goût naturel des coquilles Saint-Jacques avec une incroyable saveur de noisette !

  • Temps de préparation :15min
  • Temps de cuisson :30min